Anuntul de participare in SEAP in vederea atribuirii contractului de tip IPC
septembrie 8, 2011 by EnergoNuclear
Filed under News
S.C. EnergoNuclear S.A. a publicat in Sistemul Electronic de Achizitii Publice, si in Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene, Anuntul de Participare in vederea atribuirii contractului de tip IPC (Inginerie, Procurare, Constructie) pentru finalizarea Unitatilor 3 si 4 ale Centralei Nucleare de la Cernavoda. Acest anunt reprezinta un prim pas al derularii procedurii de achzitie publica, avand ca scop obtinerea scrisorilor de intentie de la firmele interesate de acest proiect. Citește mai mult
Cernavoda 6 a Safe Technology
septembrie 8, 2011 by EnergoNuclear
Filed under Technology
CANDU 6 is a safe technology with a successful track-record over the last decades. It was designed specifically for electricity production. This focused development is one of the reasons that CANDU reactors have such high fuel efficiency. Citește mai mult
Cernavoda 3 & 4 Nature Frendly
septembrie 7, 2011 by EnergoNuclear
Filed under Technology
The first nuclear power plant in Romania, operating at Cernavoda, is developed on CANDU 600- PHWR (Canadian Deuterium Uranium 600- Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) concept. Citește mai mult
U 3&4 compliance with National and International Standards
septembrie 6, 2011 by EnergoNuclear
Filed under Technology
Cernavoda 3&4 civil construction was started in the 1980s, but was later stopped and the project has been largely inactive ever since. About 50 percent of the civil work was completed for Unit 3 and about 30 percent was completed for Unit 4. This includes partial construction of the two reactor buildings and service buildings / turbine buildings. Besides the civil work, very little other construction activity, such as equipment installation, was ever begun. Citește mai mult
Energonuclear – Current status
septembrie 5, 2011 by EnergoNuclear
Filed under Article
- EPC procedure in place;
- Updating Process for Site PSHA – Finalized; The PSHA was assessed and confirmed by IAEA experts and thus, the seismic design basis were set;
- Feasibility Study was performed by Ernst & Young and demonstrates that the project is feasible both technical and economically;
- Strategy for Construction License – approved by CNCAN;
- Support documents for Letter of Comfort – approved by CNCAN. The Letter of Comfort confirms, based on the support documentation sent by EN, that safety goals for Units 3 and 4 Project can be achieved;
- Safety assessment of the impact of design changes proposed in the Licensing Basis Documents for Units 3 and 4 similar with stress analysis reports-completed.