Cernavoda 3 & 4 Nature Frendly

septembrie 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Technology

The first nuclear power plant in Romania, operating at Cernavoda, is developed on CANDU 600- PHWR (Canadian Deuterium Uranium 600- Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) concept.

Why CANDU for Romania?

  • Part of the future energy mix in the National Strategy of Power Development for 2007-2020
  • Helps Romania to meet EU targets to cut GHG emissions by 20% till 2020, alongside with other low-carbon sources
  • Currently one of the cheapest low-carbon electricity generation technologies
  • Efficiently replaces the “close-to-retire” old fossil fuel power plants
  • Capable of increasing the security of energy supply
  • Backed up by an effective regulatory framework
  • Nuclear in Romania has proven its viability as a safe, reliable and efficient power generating technology, accepted by the population

Why- Cernavoda 3 and 4 Units ?

  • CANDU 6 is a safe technology with a successful track-record over the last decades.
  • CANDU 6 is an evolutionary design having safety features consistent with Generation III features.
  • Cernavoda site designed for 5 units – licensed by Romanian Regulatory Body
  • Take advantage of the advanced status of site civil works: 52% Unit 3 and 30% Unit 4 started on CANDU 6 technology
  • No CO2 emissions
  • Additional generated power will not have significant influence of the surrounding environment : water and biodiversity, air, etc.
  • Improved technology to lower emissions (tritium).
  • Safe dry storage of the spent fuel
  • Existing infrastructure in design, engineering, nuclear fuel, heavy water equipment and materials
  • Excellent expertise in operation and maintenance at Cernavoda Units 1&2
  • Availability of skilled staff

Which CANDU?

  • Project reference is Cernavoda Unit 2 CANDU 6 commissioned in 2007
  • Unit 3&4 Design = Reference Design + Design Improvements
  • Reference Design: Cernavoda NPP Unit 2, which already implements:
    • recommendations of the European Union Report on nuclear safety in the context of enlargement
    • recommendations of the independent evaluation of nuclear safety aspects performed by a qualified adviser (NNC-UK) on the EC request related to EURATOM loan. The evaluation concluded that CANDU 6 design complies with current Western European nuclear safety standards and practices
  • Design Improvements:
    • CANDU latest technology development
    • CANDU Operating Experience
    • Design changes resulting from evaluation of Reference Design against latest WENRA recommendations, CNSC RD 337, IAEA NS-R-1
    • Design changes resulted from Fukushima event
  • Part of the future energy mix in the National Strategy of Power Development for 2007-2020
  • Helps Romania to meet EU targets to cut GHG emissions by 20% till 2020, alongside with other low-carbon sources
  • Currently one of the cheapest low-carbon electricity generation technologies
    Efficiently replaces the “close-to-retire” old fossil fuel power plants
  • Capable of increasing the security of energy supply
  • Backed up by an effective regulatory framework
  • Nuclear in Romania has proven its viability as a safe, reliable and efficient power generating technology, accepted by the population


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